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Stewardship Season
ACC Annual Appeal
for 2025 Budget

Resources for Giving

Thank you for participating in our Annual Appeal. Your pledge to support Acton Congregational Church in 2025 helps to support programs, outreach, and church operational costs.

Pledges allow us to be active inside our Congregation and outside in our community.  The types of programs and events listed below are a small sample of some of the things that generous pledges have helped support in the past. 

What Your Pledges Support

Promoting Worship, Faith, and Learning

  • Caring for our Congregation through our visitation and prayer team, Stephen Ministers, and Agape fund.

  • Nurturing family ministries with Sunday School, Nursery, and Confirmation for our Junior High youth.

  • Providing Senior High youth fellowship programs and retreats.

  • Arranging, hosting and leading spirituality workshops.

  • Streaming our Sunday services to reach a broader group of worshipers.

  • Worshipping through music across many genres- classical, jazz, folk and rock.

  • Maintaining our sanctuary, meeting spaces, and church offices.

Supporting Congregational, Community, and Mission Outreach

  • Giving generously to charities and missions.  Visit our Missions & Outreach page for brief descriptions of the organizations we currently support. To find out even more, you can click the link below each description to go to that organization's website.

  • Providing support for community members in need.

  • Spearheading social justice programs and initiatives.

  • Connecting locally via Christmas celebrations, Halloween Trunk or Treat, and Acton Pride Day.

How to Pledge

Each year, we provide pledge cards during our Annual Appeal.  These pledge cards are your promise to support the church in the amount that is right for you.  The pledge card provides three frequency options - weekly, monthly, or a single annual gift.   Please complete the contact portion of the pledge card so that we may keep our roster current.

ACC collects and records these promises of support and uses them to plan and budget for the upcoming year. 

Print your pledge card and complete your pledge.

To submit your physical pledge card, you can:

  1. Drop it in the Pledge Card Box during Services on October 20, 2024.

  2. Drop it off to the Church Office during office hours.

  3. Mail it to Annual Appeal, Acton Congregational Church, 12 Concord Road, Acton, MA 01720.

  4. Take a picture of your completed pledge card and email it to

Check out our Narrative Budget Resource for 2025 to see where your pledges make an impact on the daily life of Acton Congregational Church, your experience as a member, and for the community beyond our doors.

We understand that you may have many questions about making your pledge for the upcoming year, so we have created a brief document to answer many of the most frequently posed questions.  We hope you find it helpful.

Along with your mailed stewardship materials, you will also receive a Church Directory Update Form and an Interests and Superpowers survey.  Should you need additional copies of those two forms, please download them using the buttons below.

Consider Electronic Giving

We encourage everyone who is making a financial commitment to consider electronic giving.   To do so, click on the "Online Giving” button below or on our main Donations page.  So that the church may record your pledge properly, please complete out a pledge card even if you give electronically.


If you would like assistance setting up electronic giving, check the box on the commitment card, or contact the church office.

No matter where we are on our faith journey, Acton Congregational Church remains for us an open and warm place where we will continue to gather, learn, support, celebrate, mourn, remember, share and care for each other. Help us sustain our ACC community in 2025 with your pledge.

Missed receiving your copy of the Stewardship letter this year?

Click the button below to view a printable version of our 2025 Appeal letter.View the 2025 Stewardship Letter


Acton Congregational Church

Contact Us

Address: 12 Concord Road, Acton, MA 01720

Telephone:  978-263-2728



Worship Service

Sunday 9:30 am

Sunday School available September through mid-June during most services.  No Sunday School on Sundays preceding a Federal Holiday or on Sundays during School Vacation.


Church Office Hours

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Closed on Federal and State holidays.

Need More Information or Have a Question? Send us a Quick Message!

Thank you for reaching out to ACC!

Committed to Sustainability

You can now check how much power our solar panels have generated and the environmental impact of using renewable energy.

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