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With faith, guidance, and inspiration in Jesus Christ, the Acton Congregational Church Social Justice Task Force seeks opportunities to learn, listen, and take action on a variety of social justice issues. Providing leadership and support, ACC explores social justice from individual and community-based perspectives where we invite all to pursue justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8) 


Called to Social Justice

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Pursuing Justice 

Our Social Justice Task Force finds opportunities to educate ourselves/our congregation, listen to others’ experiences and perspectives, and discern how to take action on social justice issues in our local community and beyond. 


  • How to become an ally to those who experience injustice? 

  • Develop skill to call people out when social injustice is observed 

  • Awareness of stereotypes and implicit bias 

  • The interconnectedness of social justice issues 

  • How do we integrate education and action? 


  • How do we integrate prayer and social justice? 

  • How is it God is calling us to be? 

  • Listening. To God’s call. To others, especially those with ideas, views, experiences different from our own.


  • Focus on local issues and injustices. Take action locally. 

  • How can we give back out of our privilege? How can we give access to the good all people deserve? 

  • Work with groups within ACC 

  • Work with other congregations/temples locally



Justice Issues

  • Environmental Justice

(People → Planet → Prosperity) 

  • Racial Justice 

  • Judicial system 

  • Policing 

  • Employment Equity 

  • Health Care 

  • Food insecurity 

  • Education (in)equality 

Take Action at UCC

Visit the United Church of Christ Take Action page to see how you can make a difference on issues that matter to you. Work for justice with the UCC Justice and Peace Action Network,

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