Prayer Shawl Ministry
God's love and caring can be expressed in countless way. When someone is in need, a simple gift can make a meaningful difference. Colorful shawls, the work of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, are provided to members and friends of our congregation.
This ministry welcomes anyone who would like to knit or learn to knit into this wonderful fellowship.
Since ACC began this ministry, shawls have been given to men, women, and children in need of the compassionate touch of other Christians and in need of the healing power of the Holy Spirit. The Prayer Shawl Ministry also creates baptismal blankets that are presented by our Deacons to each infant receiving the sacrament of baptism.
To join the Prayer Shawl Ministry, please contact Mary Ellen Bersani or attend a Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting, generally held on the third Sunday of each month.