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Engage with Family and Youth Ministries

Aug 5, 2024

2 min read




Volunteers Needed: Family and Youth Ministries

Every survey and study I've read over the past few years has indicated that adult church goers want to see more children and youth attending the Sunday morning service. I would also like to see more children and youth in church. There is no magic button one can push to make this happen.

Similarly, there is not a single Director of Youth and Family Ministries staff member out there that can make this happen by themselves. If you want multiple generations to attend church, it's time to engage them where they are. That means volunteering for Sunday School, JHYF (Junior High Youth Fellowship), and SHYF (Senior High Youth Fellowship).

Ask any family therapist, teacher, or child development professional and they will agree that the more adults that act as mentors in a younger person's life, the more likely they are to succeed. The same is true for ACC.

Want to see more kids attend church? Then volunteer for Sunday School, ask them about their lives, and tell them why attending church is important to you! The same goes for JHYF and SHYF.

Volunteering doesn't mean you have to come up with a lesson plan or share something profound. Being present and sharing who you are is enough! I'll take care of the lesson plans and structure (though I am happy to collaborate if you have ideas!). All you have to do is show up!

Below you'll find the links to volunteer. If you prefer to sign up in person on Sunday morning, find me. I'll be there to help. Want to see ACC grow? Then participate in everything we have to offer, and you will see it reciprocated during worship. I'm happy to answer any questions you have about volunteering. Just remember you are needed to make these programs prosper.

Ryan Harrison

Director of Family and Youth Ministries


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