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Meeting Jesus at the Table

Feb 11, 2024

2 min read




Introducing a New Lenten Sermon Series

In the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus quotes Deuteronomy and declares, “Human beings shall not live by bread alone,” and yet, throughout his ministry, Jesus gathered with others to share a meal. He ate with religious leaders and quite a few shady characters too. Jesus fed a hungry crowd and told stories about inclusive banquets. After his resurrection, the Risen Christ was revealed in the breaking of bread, and he cooked breakfast for his closest friends on the beach.

Jesus’ table manners often challenged the societal barriers of his day. It is not surprising that Jesus acquired quite a reputation! His detractors and critics accused him of being a “glutton and a drunkard.” The truth however is that Jesus understood the importance of food and table sharing to create community. Jesus knew that sitting down with others to eat and drink is one of most sacred ways to experience the transformative power of friendship, mutuality, solidarity, communal joy, love and even redemption.

The Lenten Sermon Series this year is an invitation to all of us to reflect on the table sharing ministry of Jesus. As we engage with familiar table stories in the Gospels, we will meet Jesus again in those very human, very simple, very beautiful and very commonplace moments of mealtimes. Each Sunday will take us back to one of those sacred moments of table fellowship when Jesus brought all different kinds of people together to enjoy God’s blessings of food and each other’s company. At the same time, those ancient stories will encourage us to imitate Jesus and, in the same way that Jesus did it, share our time, attention and food with each other. There is a deep emotional and spiritual hunger for friendship and social connection in our world. We are living through an epidemic of loneliness in our country. People are hungry for a fuller life and thirsty for life-giving relationships. By remembering Jesus’ table sharing ministry, we will rediscover the importance of meals, fellowship and faith to connect us to one another and to God.

The Lenten sermon series will be accompanied by the Wednesday gatherings that we will co-host with South Acton Congregational Church and the United Church of Christ in Boxborough. Starting on February 21st, the three churches will gather around the table to share a meal of bread and soup and imagine how Jesus’ table hospitality can inspire our congregations to draw closer to one another and remember that we are part of something bigger than our churches. We are the Body of Christ that welcomes extravagantly, loves wastefully and continues to be nourished and enlivened by Jesus’ table sharing ministry.

Overview of the Series

Feb 18 - The Feeding of the Multitude

Feb 25 - Jesus Eats with Tax Collectors and Sinners

Mar 3 - Dinner Interrupted

Mar 10 - Making Room at the Table

Mar 17 - Empty Chairs at the Table

Mar 24 - Meals of Memory

Please join us for this new sermon series each Sunday at 9:30 am as we journey through Lent!


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