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Fall Sermon Series: Ten Commandments




A Deeper Look

In recent months, politically motivated decisions have reignited the debate about the separation of Church and State in America. The State of Louisiana passed a law requiring that a very specific version of the Ten Commandments be posted in every public school classroom. In June, Oklahoma’s State Superintendent, the top education official in the state, ordered all public schools to incorporate the Bible and Ten Commandments into their curricula.

These efforts to bring religious texts, more precisely Hebrew-Christian Scriptures, into the classrooms have been contested by civil rights groups as a violation of the Constitution. Proponents of this movement to infuse Christian values into public schools claim that basic knowledge of the Bible is needed to ensure that students fully grasp the moral and ethical values upon which the nation was founded. Lost in this socio-cultural-religious-political ideological war is the genuine attempt to understand the purpose, meaning and message of the Decalogue.


We hope you join us for this special Fall Sermon series!

This fall, the sermon series will invite our congregation to engage in a thoughtful reflection on the Ten Commandments. We will dive into the theological-historical context of the Commandments while searching for their expansive, transformative and even redemptive meaning for authentic Christian living.


Join us each week as we rediscover the intricacies of these foundational statements. 


Sept 15 – Commandments I, II, III

Sept 22 – Commandment IV

Sept 29 – Commandment V

Oct 4th – Commandment VI

Oct 13th – Commandment VII

Oct. 27th – Commandments VIII, IX, X


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