
Acton Congregational Church is both pleased and grateful to receive your gifts in support of the ministries and missions of the Church. Being an active participant in the life of Acton Congregational Church includes financial support, to the extent you are able, in gratitude for the gifts given to each of us by God.
Our Annual Appeal provides most of the funds for the church's annual operating and outreach budgets.
Planned Giving augments annual giving by our congregation, allowing a longer-term impact and providing for future generations. Members who are considering a planned gift are also urged to pledge annually through the Annual Appeal.
Ways to Give
We greatly appreciate gift of cash during our services (if you have an annual pledge, we will provide you with giving envelopes upon request).
Marketable Securities
Several of our members donate securities to the church to meet their annual pledge. For instructions on how to donate securities, please contact the church office.
Online Giving
You can use Online Giving via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or credit card for your convenience. We currently use a firm recommended by the United Church of Christ, Vanco, to provide this feature to those who choose to use it.
Download the Free App Vanco Mobile on your Apple or Android Phone. Login or donate as guest.
By Mail
Address the envelope to:
Acton Congregational Church
,Attn: Finance
12 Concord Rd
Acton, MA 01720
Planned Giving
Planned giving options abound. A planned gift can be made with almost anything: cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance, annuities, IRAs or real estate.
Consult with your lawyer or financial advisor for guidance in determining the planned gift approach that is right for you and your family and learn more about the tax benefits.